Friday, May 2, 2014

Multiple Intelligences (02/12/14)

     Has anyone ever asked you, "What is your IQ?"  I know I've been asked once or twice, but without testing I believe I would be where almost everyone else is ... in the NORMAL range.

  Howard Gardner introduced Multiple Intelligences (MI) in an effort to encourage a closer look at the Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) versus the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in viewing student intelligence.  This shift took place in the early 1990s in response to a growing need to determine how the IQ determines overall success (in academia, life, leadership, etc.).  Studies have shown that closer observation of multiple intelligences is a better determining factor to overall success.

The Birmingham Grid for Learning is a site that offers other FREE resources for teachers and students.  You can also find out where your smarts lie ... Would you like to know your EQ? Take a moment, especially if you do not already know, to take the MI self test

After I took the test, I see that I am more Musically intelligent, with areas of Logical and Linguistic intelligence in close second. From that point, the areas for me, in descending order are:

Visual/Spatial, Naturalistic, Interpersonal, Naturalistic, Intrapersonal and Kinesthetic.  I personally believe that I know myself better than getting involved with the affairs of others, but I would agree with the musical, logical and linguistic intelligences.

So, now I will ask ... "What is your EQ?" Be sure to share in the comment section.

Witness the acknowledgment of schools:  MI in Smartville.

Birmingham Grid for Learning MI self test retrieved from

Image retrieved from

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