Tuesday, January 31, 2023

/tekˈnɑ lə dʒi/

The past couple of years has demonstrated to educators everywhere that we must prepare students to use technology as an integral part of learning.  In my new venture, I am delving into the world of technology and connecting the dots with digital tools that have been designed for learning environments.
Please join me as I share new educational technology and how it can be used in the language acquisition classroom.  Additionally, I will share tools that can be used in the workplace and in personal living.  As we live and grow, we will encounter new technologies in every area of our lives.  Let's explore them together!

Check out this video I created while studying at Mississippi State University. I believe this resource can help students whose language proficiency is increasing, but may not be where they can navigate every space requiring advanced levels of comprehension. The resource with live links can be found here.

Feel free to comment and share your feedback on the featured technology. 

Thanks in advance~
Greene Earth


  1. I love learning about new technologies. I enjoyed your video. Lots of useful information.

    1. Thank you for your comment Barb. I look forward to sharing more soon!
